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Super cosy vibe, I had myself farming until I had stockpiled enough peppers to make a heap of sauce at once. Because of this, I had periods where I'd just be spamming the clock over and over again (what is it. like 21 times per harvest?) and this got quite repetitive. I'd love to have all of the separate mechanics intertwine even further--they work great consecutively, I wish they worked better concurrently! Loved this though, super fun!


Also, dragging the recipe book around like a maniac (or just dropping it from high enough) makes items disappear from the screen (probably physics'd out of existence). Not sure how to get any of it back! 

(1 edit) (+1)

Whoops! Thanks for catching that haha. The downside of physics based games. I believe this should only affect peppers, so not too game breaking I hope!

I’ll be able to fix this once the jam is over and submissions are no longer locked.


Thanks for the feedback!

I definitely get what you mean by repetitive, I’d’ve loved to iron things out a bit with more time. The stockpiling playstyle especially!

But I’m glad it was fun despite that! The core loop and systems being enjoyable is encouraging, and helps us figure out where to improve ^^